• broken image

    Hi ! I'm Ash Chen

    Ash Chen 是來自台灣,目前定居於台北的插畫家。她主要透過電腦繪圖創作插畫。除了繪畫外,Ash 還喜歡烹飪,但不喜歡洗碗。她也喜歡看動畫、電影和聽音樂。Ash 是一位內向高敏的人。作為插畫家,她對於如何在不過度刺激自己的情況下進行自我行銷並建立理想的商業模式非常有興趣。


    Ash Chen is an illustrator from Taiwan who currently resides in Taipei. She primarily creates illustrations through computer graphics. Aside from drawing, Ash enjoys cooking but dislikes washing dishes. She also likes watching animation, movies, and listening to music.

    Ash has an introverted and highly sensitive personality. As an illustrator, she is interested in researching how to promote herself and establish an ideal business model without sensory overload.


    毛/孩 ── 台北,A Day Goods,2018

    AshChen個展 ── 台中,繆特咖啡Artmunicate Space + Cafe',2020

    AshChen個展 ── 台北,The Hub Cafe',2022

    Look At How Fast I Can Run ── 新竹,享平方 Shown Square,2023

    AshChen個展 ── 台中,Toivoa Coffee Roasters拓!咖啡,2024

    台北插畫藝術節 ── 台北,松山文創園區,2021

    台北國際插畫博覽會 ── 台北,圓山花博,2024

    Tainan 400 Mail Art 郵遞藝術展 ── 台南,知事官邸生活館,2024


    Jasmine Magazine/茉莉雜誌

    Onion Design Associates/洋蔥設計

    Starbucks Coffee/星巴克咖啡

    Hanlin Publishing House/翰林出版社

    AZURE BOOKS/蔚藍文化出版社

    Yething Studio/小野心工作室

    National Museum of Taiwan History /台灣歷史博物館



  • Contact me

    you can also reach me at info@ashchenstudio.com